Wednesday, February 2, 2011



I just watched this video three times.  The woven image is beautiful and the filming is so well done.  Marvelous! It makes me want to get my big Shannock warped!

A Winter Haiku by Charles de Lint

You can't trust the sun
this time of year; it's bright light
holds a bitter cold

Jan 2011 Shinn  Vineyard view 043









A scene from our recent trip to the vineyards on the North Fork of Long Island.  We missed getting any photographs in sun, although it was sunny during part of our stay.  I have an image in my head of rows of dark vines casting clear blue shadow patterns on the brilliantly sunlit snow . 

Feb 2011 snow 007

Ice on my “Harry Lauder’s Walking Stick.”


K Spoering said...

Wow. Didn't that make it sem quick and easy, though?

Liz said...

Thanks so much for sharing that. What a great video. If I can someday be half that good at tapestry I'll be very pleased with myself :-)

Unknown said...

Amazing video and great ability. Really amazing.